Du willst die Kraft des Schreibens spüren? Melde dich für meinen Storyletter an!

Women who write

With a pen in your hand, you are the magician of your life!

Do you long for the cheerful woman you once were?

Is your once blazing fire of life suffocating under the pressure to perform and the responsibilities of everyday life? 

Job, family, friends - all treasures that you no longer recognise as such?

Welcome to my life! In search of my passion and joy in life, I was about to escape to an island, but instead booked a year-long creative writing programme: Passion Writing!

A short time later, nothing was the same again. I blossomed again. From the threat of burnout and inner emptiness to a radiant woman with dreams and the energy to realise them. Today I am convinced: writing is magical! 

In this book, I tell you about my journey back to my strength and lust for life and collect 23 writing inspirations that can also change your life. 

Zu den Rezensionen

"Stefanie Brodmann inspiriert mit ihrem Buch und gibt Frauen den Mut über ihr Innerstes zu Schreiben. Ein Buch mit Tiefgang - und doch mit Leichtigkeit geschrieben."

"Es ist ein Buch, das man sich auf den Schreibtisch stellt und immer wieder zur Hand nimmt."

"Es ist definitiv ein absolut empfehlenswertes Buch voller Mut und Magie."

"Das Buch ist wie die Autorin, die ich einmal live kennenlernen und erleben durfte - authentisch, echt, warmherzig, erfrischend - eine ehrliche Zusammenschau von dem, wie es vielen von uns geht."

"I firmly believe that it is our responsibility as women to take good care of ourselves. No one else is going to do that for us. We have the power to realise our dreams and be happy."

As a senior economist, I embodied the "woman can have it all" mentality for a long time: travelling the world, career, motherhood, couple relationship. My attempt to achieve everything was successful, but my passion faded.

Exhaustion, doubt and dissatisfaction are not an isolated, individual problem or a luxury problem, but affect a great many women. 

Entdecke die Magie des Schreibens und werde zur Heldin deiner eigenen Geschichte!

Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur Inspiration. Es ist ein praktischer Leitfaden, um das intuitive kreative Schreiben als deine persönliche Auszeit und Kraftquelle zu nutzen:

Book Packages

You already know that self-care is just as important as caring for others. It's time to put this into practice! With pen in hand, you'll travel to places of remembrance with the paper plane, write stories that encourage, immerse yourself in memories and embark on your own heroine journey.

This book is for anyone who enjoyed writing in their youth but may have lost the joy of it in the daily grind, and for those who want to discover writing for themselves. Discover the powerful effect of writing and become part of the "Writing Flow Sisterhood". 

Limited Edition (10x available)
Signed book + 1 session You & Me

Your signed copy of "Frauen, die schreiben, blühen auf" (in German).
90 minutes You & Me - we immerse ourselves in writing on a topic dear to your heart.

Signed book + Luxury VIP Retreat You & Me

Pamper your body and soul!
For women who appreciate something special! We pamper ourselves, write, and realign you
(2 half days at the "Seehotel Das Traunsee", incl. overnight stay, wellness, delicious dinner and pampering breakfast)

Bonus area for book readers



Dr. Stefanie Brodmann

The Writing-Flow Newsletter

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