Du willst die Kraft des Schreibens spüren? Melde dich für meinen Storyletter an!

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Do you long for the cheerful woman you once were? Do you long to find her again? Do you long to feel alive again? Then write to me!

Welcome on your writing journey!

Erinnerst du dich an die lebensfrohe Frau, die du tief drinnen bist? Die sich alles getraut hat und die Welt erobern wollte? Wo ist sie geblieben?  Irgendwann ist diese Frau in der Vernunft des Lebens verloren gegangen. Life happened. Kennst du dieses nagende Gefühl in dir, das fragt: Alles erreicht. Reicht das? Oder kommt da nicht noch was? Lange Zeit wars du stolz darauf, dass du alles schaffst. Alles unter einen Hut bringst. Und dann kam irgendwann der Moment, wo du dich gefragt hast, war es das jetzt? Ich höre immer wieder von Frauen, die sich nach der wilden, leidenschaftlichen Frau sehnen, die sie einmal waren. Diese Frau ist nicht für immer verloren. Sie ist da, tief vergraben unter Schichten von Leistung und Anpassung.

The time is ripe! You have now reached a point in your life where you say: "IT'S ENOUGH"!

Just like these women, you may have spent years of your life:

But at the same time you feel:

You want to be the heroine in your world. And you are ready to take responsibility for it.

Something in your body and soul is crying out for more physical and mental space to explore your inner creativity and reconnect with who you really are and want to be.

You are not alone in your doubts, your pain or your questions. You are not alone in your desire to feel alive, to feel the passion within you.

I firmly believe that it is our responsibility as women to take good care of ourselves. No one else is going to do that for us. We have the power to realise our dreams and be happy.

Now is YOUR time to lead a more fulfilling life!

If this applies to you, then you've come to the right place at Writing Flow!

Writing in the Writing Flow means:

Write yourself alive!

I firmly believe that it is our responsibility as women to take good care of ourselves. No one else is going to do that for us. We have the power to realise our dreams and be happy.

Limited Edition (10x available)
Signed book + 1 session You & Me

Your signed copy of "Frauen, die schreiben, blühen auf" (in German).
90 minutes You & Me - we immerse ourselves in writing on a topic dear to your heart.

Signed book + Luxury VIP Retreat You & Me

Pamper your body and soul!
For women who appreciate something special! We pamper ourselves, write, and realign you
(2 half days at the "Seehotel Das Traunsee", incl. overnight stay, wellness, delicious dinner and pampering breakfast)

Writing Flow Circle

Women, who write together, bloom

Writing Flow Circle

You & Me: Your personalized writing mentoring

Writing Flow Circle

Women, who write together, bloom

Writing desire

A writing & pamper yourself weekend!

Freewriting Starter Guide

Get into your writing flow!

Creativity Boost

Unleash your creativity in just 15 minutes a day!

Dr. Stefanie Brodmann

The Writing-Flow Newsletter

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