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Why write? 80 and more reasons

Do you write? I have always loved to read, but my passion for writing came later in life. Here are 80 and more reasons why you might consider taking up a pen and write!

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  1. Because you love it
  2. Because you used to think you had nothing to say
  3. Because you find words once you get started
  4. Because you cannot multitask when you write
  5. Because you are completely in the moment and concentrated when you write
  6. Because you don’t need to think when you write, you just need to let it happen
  7. Because there is nobody to talk to when you wake up at 4 are
  8. Because you don’t want to talk to anyone at 4 are
  9. Because you feel less lonely
  10. Because the page listens even to your weirdest thoughts
  11. Because you can share what you have written with others
  12. Because you can find words where there were none
  13. Because you can find consolation
  14. Because you can express your feelings
  15. Because you can get feedback from readers
  16. Because it helps you gain clarity
  17. It helps you go about your day
  18. Because you always have something/someone to talk to
  19. Because it makes you calm inside
  20. Because you feel creative
  21. Because you surprise yourself
  22. Because writing is like medicine, it heals you
  23. Because it makes you less sad
  24. Because it makes you happier
  25. Because it honors the day-to-day ordinary
  26. Because it helps you discover patterns and connections
  27. Because it helps you to remember
  28. Because it helps you to uncover memories you didn’t know where there
  29. It allows you to buy nice pens
  30. And wonderful notepads
  31. Because through writing you rediscover your love for reading
  32. Because you are never bored as you can pull out your notebook (almost) everywhere
  33. Because you discovered you love to blog and share your thoughts
  34. Because it makes you brave
  35. Because it makes you take a stance
  36. Because it is the true you
  37. Because you are not shy when you write
  38. Because your child is proud to have a mom who is a writer
  39. Because you love to write with your child
  40. Because it feels like talking to a very honest friend
  41. Because you don’t depend on anyone else when you write
  42. Because it gives you freedom
  43. Because you discover new sides of yourself when you write
  44. Because you don’t feel stressed when you write
  45. Because it makes you care about yourself
  46. Because it is a vacation for your mind
  47. Because you don’t need to toss and turn and have sleepless nights, once you have written down what’s on your mind
  48. Because you can go into action, once you read what you have written
  49. Because you become aware of what it is you truly want and need once you write it down
  50. Because you cannot pretend as if everything is alright when it is not, and you have written it down (repeatedly)
  51. Because you will still be able to do it when you are old
  52. Because it allows you to dream your future
  53. Because when you write you are yourself
  54. Because it is self-therapy
  55. Because you love the intimacy of reading first drafts to one another in a writer’s group
  56. Because it makes you visible
  57. Because people will remember you
  58. Because people get to know you
  59. Because it gives a voice to the little child inside of you
  60. Because it allows you to be a more patient parent and person
  61. Because it turns you into a better storyteller
  62. Because you don’t care about perfectionism any longer
  63. Because through writing you have come to realize that you are great the way you are
  64. Because you don’t need to be a poet or published author to write
  65. Because you have something to say
  66. Because it helps you being a better professional, with more impact
  67. Because it helps you to express yourself in a simpler and more direct way
  68. Because it gives you a feeling of accomplishment
  69. Because it gives you a feeling of control over your life
  70. Because it is fun to create
  71. Because it makes you feel alive
  72. Because your feelings and memories and desires are important
  73. Because it helps you communicate better
  74. Because it turns you into a better listener
  75. Because it allows you to make peace with your past
  76. Because you can write your own life story
  77. You can even re-write your past
  78. Because when writing with your hand, your heart flows onto the page
  79. Because it can heal a broken heart
  80. Because you can create your own heroes
  81. Because you realize that you are the heroine of your own life
  82. Because you love it (did I already mention that?). Because it gives you a tingling sensation in your belly when words you didn’t know you had inside of you are appearing on the page.

Why do you love to write? Tell me in the comments below!

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