Table of Contents
Bornholm, my new love
For years I had wanted to visit the Danish island of Bornholm, south of Sweden. I was looking forward to sandy beaches, long bike rides, and great restaurants. And I was expecting the worst, in terms of the weather.
But things turned out differently, as they often do.
The beaches were sandy and wonderful as expected. The first two days the kids and my husband were busy digging one of their infamous sand-canal-systems on the gorgeous Dueodde beach, one of Europe’s best beaches and I was simply enchanted by the fine sand, which is even „singing“ when walking on it.
But instead of bike rides with the family I ended up walking, a lot.
Instead of eating out, we prepared dinner while taking breaks from the sauna.
And instead of rain we had sunshine and 30 degrees Celsius!
We are definitely coming back!

Mindful walking and creative writing combo
We had brought our bikes along with us, but ended up walking most of the time instead on the coastal trail around the island, called Kyststi.
One morning I woke up at 5.30 am and, without a plan, I started walking along the beach, my notebook in my hand. I ended up walking 14 km from Dueodde to Arsedale and wrote a blog about my walk of thoughts.
Walking and writing is like meditating. I love the movement of my feet and my mind. Thoughts come. I write them down, then they can leave. I am practicing this mindfulness walking and writing combo on one of the most beautiful beaches of the world.
A few days later I headed out the door by bike, to pick up the trail again in Arsedale.
Following my recent experiences with mindful walking and writing, my aim was to get a crack at the missing chapters of my book. In my blog on mindful walking and creative writing I show you how you can combine walking and writing to get fresh thoughts on paper.
On August 12, our last day on Bornholm, I took an early morning walk in the other direction of the Kyststi and walked 8 km on the sandy beach before my family joined me for a breakfast-picnic on the beach. It is a blogger tradition to capture the 12th of each month, and you can read the impressions of my walking and writing on this last day of Bornholm here.

And eat they do: Dr. K and Mrs. B, PhD
For the longest time my husband was known as the Lamb-man. We were colleagues having a coffee when I told him about the party I had planned for my 31st birthday and he asked if he should help me with the cooking. Cooking?! Food??! I had completely forgotten to think about what I would offer my guests. He came, made a lamb, and we have been together since.
Eating (out) and (him) cooking is part of our DNA as a couple. We kicked off our culinary month of August by my husband preparing his own birthday dinner (tuna with rice and peas) and being rewarded by the kids drawing him lots of presents 🎁
I could easily write a food blog about my husband’s culinary creations. Funnily enough, during our first year of marriage, when we lived in Washington, DC and went out for dinner every night after work on our beloved 14th Street, we joked about writing a joint blog about restaurants. The name of our imaginary blog: Dr. K and Mrs. B, PhD. 🫶🥕

Here we go again: Walk, write and eat high above sea level
After five wonderful weeks in Denmark we returned home to Austria just to take off again to a trip to the mountains with the kids‘ paternal grandparents.
Haus Hirt in Bad Gastein. We had planned to come here on our honeymoon but didn’t due to too much dancing at the wedding reception 🥳
Instead, we have been coming here every August for the past 3 years. This wonderful place is not a secret anymore since our favorite weekly, Die Zeit, wrote an article about Haus Hirt last year. But we love it and used the three days with the grandparents to stretch our legs and writing fingers and get ready for our week of hiking. Alone, without kids. For the first time in eight years.
Tonight at dinner we will order a bottle of Freyheit 🍾

Preview September 2022
- Between August 29 and September 4 my husband and I will be walking on the Gastein Trail. My gift for him: a notebook with writing prompts and pens. I cannot wait for some serious creative writing magic to happen!
- September is going to rock! My creative writing workshop in beautiful Traunkirchen will take place between September 30 and October 2. My online Feel-Good-Moment creative writing workshop will start on September 19.

Get your FREE 5-Day writing prompts to begin to explore your inner voice
You can already start now and experience the benefits of writing just 15 minutes a day! Try out this free writing prompt mini-series where you will receive beautifully crafted daily writing exercises for 5 days. At the end of the week and with just 15 minutes a day, you will have written 5 short texts for your diary and explored the power of writing. And you will have enjoyed getting to know yourself a bit better and figured out what makes your stomach flutter!
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